Welcome to my blog - Read all about my many adventures as a graduate student in the Organizational Leadership program, a graduate assistant for the Office of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving and most importantly a Mercyhurst University alum!

Friday, December 24, 2010

It's Christmas- My Favorite time of Year!!

Hello all! So sorry I have not had a chance to make a post lately. Our Christmas break (which is 2 weeks long...woo hoo!!!) started last Friday which was our last day of classes. I have until January 3rd to be at home and spend time with my family. So far over break I have been running around shopping, cookie-ing and all that Christmas jazz!
My mom, sister, aunt and I have pretty much been at the mall every night since I've been home! I can't complain though because it's so much fun and we always end up stopping for a snack on the way home! I have also been helping my mom get organized all over the house because she is hosting Christmas Day here at home and we have 30+ guests coming! We have been baking cookies and wrapping presents galore; I went over to my grandma and papa's house last night and I was there until 2a.m. helping wrap presents! While I was there, my papa was somewhere around dozen number 30 for his wonderful pizzelles which I got to sample right out of the iron.
Today, Christmas Eve, I will be going to mass at my Church followed by dinner at my Aunt Marlene's house. Due to our Italian heritage, the tradition holds that 7 fish are to be eaten on Christmas Eve. I am not a fish-person so I won't be eating the fish but some of the other family members look forward to this tradition. After dinner we will exchange presents! Since I am still in college, I am not yet considered to be an adult, so I am not included in the adult exchange and I get to be a kid for 2 more years.

Tomorrow is Christmas and my mom is running around the house trying to prepare. She and my grandma prepared the lasagnas the other day and they will cook them tomorrow along with the ham. I am looking forward to the many many festivities to come in the next few days but most importantly, I am looking forward to spending time with my wonderful family who I am so very grateful for and appreciative of.
Wishing you and your wonderful family a very Merry Christmas! Be on the look out for pictures of my holiday season...coming soon!

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