Welcome to my blog - Read all about my many adventures as a graduate student in the Organizational Leadership program, a graduate assistant for the Office of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving and most importantly a Mercyhurst University alum!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Very Necessary Break

Hello all!
First of all, let me apologize for my lack of posts lately. Not only did finals have me in a whirlwind, now that I am on break, I caught the FLU! Yes, it is terrible, but I am thankful that if I have to be sick, at least it is happening over break so I don't have to miss school or any other commitments.

So let me back track a little bit.
Finals went well. I only had two and they were each on separate days. I liked this schedule because I was able to study for them each on separate nights. On Wednesday of finals week I had my last day at my internship. I completed my internship by achieving 200 hours! I had so much fun at my internship and I am so happy that the people that I worked with had enough confidence in me to make it more than a coffee-getting type of internship. I learned a ton and it definitely helped me to further know that I want to be working in either a college or a high school, so basically some type of education area.
After finals, we unfortunately have to wait until the following Monday which is when grades are due by the teachers. I certainly understand that they need a few days to get everything together and finish up grading tests but those few days always feel like an eternity. My teachers were so wonderful that they had the grades online a day early. I got all A's! This is when my mom and dad say/sing to me "go Lindsay, go Lindsay go go go Lindsay!" Although my parents are the type to make me feel like I am number 1 no matter what, they are always very happy to see my good grades. They tell me that it makes paying for school much easier knowing that I work very hard!

Once break started, I allowed myself to rest and slow down a bit which was wonderful. My body however had a bigger plan for me to slow down! I am finally beginning to feel a little bit better, the couch and I have been good friends throughout this break. I have been able to catch up on American Idol, the Bachelor and Pretty Little Liars, some of my favorite shows that sometimes get forgotten while school is going on!

Next term technically starts on Monday. However, I have a Sunday night class and that starts this Sunday. I am looking forward to starting classes and meeting my teachers for next term but even big kids gets the first day of school butterflies! To make myself less nervous I like to prepare. Before a new term starts I like to:
1. Prepare my planner for the new term, adding my class schedule into it.
2. Print out my class schedule, know where my classes are and exactly what times they start.
3. Recall my last term's goals. Reflect on what I did well and what areas can be improved upon.
4. Make goals for the term to come.

Now you know all of my new term secrets!

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